



  • 感谢大家,我在这里说一下,我没有成功在“好大学在线”这个平台用手机提交作业,好像只能用电脑。用手机我真的不会提交(泪目),我只能蹭室友的电脑。非常谢谢各位的回答。感谢大家,我成功在“好大学在线”提交作业了
  • 好大学在线可以通过手机平台来提交作业,但是需要提前将所习完成的作业排成图片模式。


  • 就是宿舍条件哪个比较好。 师资比较还有学风 离市中心远吗虎攻港纪蕃慌歌苇攻俩 因为想做兼职 环境怎么样 下午就要关档了急啊各位大神
  • 读书学风的话,船山学院好些。


  • 1. it’s useless tryingto ______ her that she doesn’t need to lose any weight. (1分)a.reveal b.convince c.assure d.encourage .2.when people drive to work, they usually choose from a small number of ______routes, depending on traffic conditions. (1分)a.private b.single c.favorite d.total .3.john was late for the business meeting because his flight had been ______ by aheavy storm. (1分)a.kept b.stopped c.slowed d.delayed .4.it was in the name of freedom ____ kennedy led his country deeper into itscruel, hopeless war in vietnam. (越南) (1分)a.when b.as c.while d.that .5.to ______ the deadline, they have to work overtime for at least two weeks. (1分)a.meet b.get c.take d.catch .6.sam wants to dine at this restaurant, so i’d better ______ a table in advance. (1分)a.reserve b.conserve c.preserve d.deserve .7.all of us, especially the youth, should learn how to ______ time and use itefficiently. (1分)a.cherish b.adopt c.pack d.withdraw .8.we ______ booked. look, this restaurant is almost empty. (1分)a.musthave b.can’t have c.shouldhave d.needn’t have .9.the wife could not dissuade her husband and ______ went along with his idea. (1分)a.willingly b.reluctantly c.reluctant d.unwilling .10.he could have finished the report on ______, but somehow he fell behind. (1分)a.plan b.expectation c.schedule d.date .11.i was so caught up ______ the film on tv that i forgot to do my homework. (1分)a.in b.of c.for d.with .12.i can ______ you that the medicine is very effective and can relieve yourheadache. (1分)a.sure b.ensure c.insure d.assure .
  • a c a d a c a b d c d b d


  • 拜托啦,时间比较紧,谢谢
  • 1、汉口新华路、竹叶山乘专线巴士可直达黄陂木兰天池;2、武汉港乘市郊一日游专线车可直达木兰天池;3、汉口火车站乘公交292到黄陂客运站转乘专线巴士可到达木兰天池;另可选择旅游专线车:!!6:50鲁巷广场斜对面楚天庐酒店门口!!7:00群光广场正对面武汉大学门口 7:15小东门广西大厦门口 7:30湖北大学正大门口 7:50国宾大酒店门口 8:10汉口金盾大酒店门口。一个人的话,选上面的吧,,要是组织班级活动,去找59路或是709的调度,租个公交车去就可以了,很便宜

“你的父母想让你考上很好的大学”求英文人工翻译 5悬赏在线等

  • 你的父母想让你考上很好的大学.英语:1) your parents want you to be enrolled in a top university.2)your parents want yo碃骸百缴知剂版烯保楼u to do well in your university entrance exams and to be enrolled in a top university.


  • 那个省的?比较好的别考虑了,一般的211可以


  • 我期望上一所好的大学im looking 单胆厕感丿啡搽拾敞浆forward to a good university


  • 不远的话买个大些的吧,可以多放点东西,有拉杆不会太累,省的还需要背包